Your favourite childhood toy
In the midst of preparing for a launch that’s happening next week, yesterday I all of a sudden was reminded of a little red fire truck!
That’s right a little red fire truck! My absolute favourite childhood toy!
Read on below or watch the video
When I turned 4 I got a little red fire truck for my birthday. I’m sure I got more ‘traditional girl’ gifts too, but I don’t remember any of them!
I can’t even remember ever really playing with dolls.
I can still remember though my absolute delight and happiness at receiving that wonderful red truck with a silver ladder on top of it. I played with it for hours on end.
As a matter of fact, I think it got thrown out only recently – more than 4 decades after that birthday – when my parents packed up their house and moved to a place with less storage room.
(Maybe someday I’ll ask my parents what possessed them to give me what back then (think late 1960’s) would most certainly have been considered a ‘typical boy’ toy!)
In any case….
That little red fire truck got me thinking.
The memory of my favourite childhood toy connects to a question I often ask clients.
I use it to help them get unstuck when they are trying to figure out what it is they want to do with/in their life:
“What did you want to be when you were growing up? And why?”
Not because that is what they would want to be now. (Obviously I didn’t become a firefighter.)
But rather because what they wanted to be back then, may give them insight into what (core) values they want/need to honour now.
If you’re trying to figure out what is important in your life, what values you need to honour in your life, maybe start with the questions above and add these to them:
“What was your favourite childhood toy? And why?”
You might just find some of the answers you’ve been looking for.
As always….
Go dare greatly!
Photo: Me at 4 years old and blissfully happy with my little red fire truck