Following Your Own Path Is An Ongoing Exploration

When people hear I gave up my corporate career and started heading in an entirely different direction which resulted in my selling my house in the Netherlands, moving to the mountains in Austria, as well as towards an uncertain future, they often react with “I wish I could do that” or something similar.

Never once did I regret the move I made, even though I have never been as scared and uncertain as I was when I was having a good cry sitting on those stairs in a house I could no longer call mine.

I moved in a different direction because I was very conscious of the fact I didn’t want to come to the end of my life regretting the fact I had not tried and followed my own path.

As it turns out, for me following my own path is an ongoing exploration. It’s exciting, scary, uncertain and definitely more fun than I had in the corporate world.

Now I’m certainly not suggesting everybody should make such a drastic move as I did all those years ago. It definitely wasn’t as sudden as it may have looked to some – it took me years to come to the point where I found the courage to take that final step.

Once I’d found it though, not moving forward was no longer an option. Starting down the path on which I reconnected with myself and the way I want to live my life was the only way. Where it will ultimately lead, I don’t know.

Will I be successful at it? Maybe not by someone else’s standards, but for me it’s more important to be successful according to my own standards. In the end that is all that matters.

HOW ABOUT YOU? How will you look back on the path you have followed through your life? What will the life you have lived look like? 

Share your thoughts below and let me know what you think. Be as specific as you can when you share your thoughts. Other people, daring people like you, will be inspired by your ideas and actions.

As always…

Go dare greatly!