3 Things I Stopped Being Afraid Of When I Became A Life Coach, Guide & Teacher

Photo by Nicolai Traasdahl Tarp on Unsplash

I spent much of my professional life being afraid of being found out as a fraud, as somebody who didn’t really know what she was doing. That is until I worked myself into a burnout and took a long hard look at what had brought me there.

That’s when I decided I was done being afraid!

  1. Done being afraid of being found out as an impostor!
  2. Done being afraid of not living up to what I thought were other people’s expectations!
  3. Done being afraid to live a life of my own choosing!

After 20+ years I left the corporate world of project management and consultancy. I moved to the mountains. I became a life coach and mountain hiking guide.

Now I have the privilege of helping successful people who live in fear of being found out as a fraud to stop being afraid, to acknowledge their own very significant contributions to their success and to start figuring out what the life they choose looks like!

So my question to you is:

What fears will you conquer this year?!

Share your thoughts below and let me know what you think. Be as specific as you can when you share your thoughts. Other people, Mountain Seekers like you, will be inspired by your ideas and actions.

Please, share only your original thoughts, actions and ideas directly in the comments. Don’t link to other sites, videos, etc. – they come across as spammy and will be removed.

Thank you for reading and adding your voice to the conversation.

As always…

Go dare greatly!