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Rosemarie Wilson | Pragmatica Coaching


Gerdi with Rosemarie Wilson on how a scary diagnosis started her self-leadership journey

I’m really excited to be having a conversation with Rosemarie Wilson. When you hear her story you’ll know why.

Rosemarie is an experienced Change Agent, Coach & Mentor.

It’s her mission to work with Women in Business and after having worked in Finance and Technology in the corporate world for over 20 years she’s a firm advocate of supporting Women in Tech.

She created her coaching practice Pragmatica Coaching to bring to life her natural ability and desire to work with others to help and support them on life’s rich journey.

Her aim is to guide powerful change for women alongside supporting the organisations they work in, with a focus on Diversity and Inclusion.

Rosemarie also works with female leaders who have neglected their love for nature and balance in the name of ambition.

Helping them develop unshakeable confidence, nurture their talent and thrive in what they do.

Almost 18 years ago she was diagnosed with Multiple Sclerosis. Since then Nature has come to play a huge part in her well-being and life, getting her regular dose of it wherever and whenever she can.

For more from ‘Daring Self-Leadership …’

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Rosmarie's Favourites Celebrating Nature


Listening to music while out for a run is Rosemarie’s thing. No particular preference as long as it has a good running beat.




‘The Color Purple’ directed by Steven Spielberg

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