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Claire Victoria Bishop | Rewild the Frame


Gerdi with Claire Victoria Bishop on natural photography and connection

I am an avid follower of photographers. I simply love how they can show us the world, in particular Nature in all its beauty, in ways we’ve never seen it before.

Rewilding the frame

I especially like photographers who don’t photoshop their images to death. So much so, that you can’t help but think the end result looks nothing like what they actually photographed.

Today’s guest is not one of those photoshopping photographers.

Claire Victoria Bishop, founder of ‘Rewild the Frame’, is a natural light photographer who is passionate about all things nature – you, me, others, our planet and the simple beauty of the natural world all around us.

Imagery that connects

Claire works with purpose-driven, nature-centric business owners and sustainability professionals to help them create imagery that connects with their audience and showcase their stories with ease and beauty.

Photo of one of Claire's clients. Use of image courtesy of Claire Victoria Bishop

Photo of one of Claire’s clients. Use of image courtesy of Claire Victoria Bishop

Her aim is to empower others to create a positive impact for our world and inspire a healthier, happier and more sustainable way of being, living and working for us all to flourish in harmony with nature.

The focus is on real-life imagery, natural connections and creative seasonal photography.

Family woman

Away from running a business, Claire lives in South Gloucestershire with her husband, four gorgeous boys and dog, Bruce.

As a family, they absolutely love to be outdoors and one of their favourite things to do is to be by the sea.

Most weekends Claire can be found walking through the fields, on the side of the rugby pitch watching her boys or walking with her camera.

She particularly enjoys lying under a tree taking in the leaves swishing above her head contemplating life.

For more from ‘Daring Self-Leadership …’

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Claire's Favourites Celebrating Nature



‘Edelweiss’ (Reprise) from The Sound Of Music (1965) directed by Robert Weiss




‘My Octopus Teacher’ directed by Pippa Ehrlich and James Reed

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